its been a while since our last post, death by finals! tomorrow is our official last day of classes - soo looking forward to thirty days of chillaxing where our biggest concern is nothing more than deciding what to wear and where to dine!
what's a week of finals without a gathering right in the middle? lol ;p we threw a bbq gathering at a very convenient time for those who want another excuse not to study for tomorrow's exaM* preparations were very last minute..usually, we'd arrange the outdoor tables, chairs, and tiny details from which plates we'll use to which cups for hot chocolate a day in advance..this time, everything was decided 2 hours before the did everything work out, you ask? a detailed list is all you need!! jot everything down and you'll be fine~
make sure to have someone who is willing to flip burgers and grill hotdogs available lol because as much as we love bbq's (throwing and attending), we're usually not seen ten feet away from the grill and smoke (*ewH)
other than the list and fabulous company, the only thing you need to guarantee an amazing cookout is luck lol - with our unpredictable weather, a gorgeous breezy night needs lots of crossed fingers and pure luck ;p
next time you meet up with your friends, throw a bbq!! its a fun alternative to the usual gathering and a great way to make use of the fabulously unpredictable weather <3>
I was waiting to read about how it went! YAY I'm super happy you girls had a blast!!
the paper plates are oh-so-cute! lol
I was pretty sure things will turn out great ;)
aljoud- thankkss <3 it was so much fun ! next time you should join us ;p
(i deleted the comment above cause of typo lol ~ )
yeyyy so much FUN!!! love the plates ;-)
thannkkss ;p
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