what made us want to post is this funny incident~
here is how it goes:
characters: /\/ , h*, & hess
1. we were surfing the net and hess was looking at our latest posts.
2. we wanted to show off different layouts of blogs we love.
3. when we came across nawary's blog http://nawary.livejournal.com hess kept scrolling down to the Singapore post.
4. all of a sudden this is what we hear;
hess: "weeeehhh metthiill yadddyyyy!!"
"ma9dg fe a7ad methil yady wento kila et-th7kon 3la my tiny hands!"
"a7en il nass 3ablhum anaaa ;p"
"pleasee a7ad e9wer yady ma3a yadha a7eeennn!!"
5.OH MY GOD- hilarioussss, tears & tears of laughter.
6. /\/ & h* : this is like the one in vegas when joey met his hand twin and wanted to have a show to be famous LOL <3
7. hess meet your hand twin nawary.
nawary meet your hand twin hess.
drum roll please! let the show begin hehe :D
we love you girls xx
we're off to slumber laterS~
Thats hilariouuussss!!!! haha SO cuuuuuuuuute!! Maybe I should start the hunt to find my perfect hand-match!! lol
hope you had a blast girlies!!
LOL walllah it was sooo hilaR*!!! we did mercii ;p xx
OMG you girrrrrrrrrrrls that is soooo funnnnnnnnnnny and ADORABLE. loool laitny knt ma3akum hehehehe hess itjanin!! bs tell her her fingers ar more fantabulous than mine..ive always had a love/hate relationship with my hand..i luv it cause it is IDENTICAL to my dad's sooo cute..and hate it because its kinda miss piggy-ish when i grow my nails >.<; loool ...ana z3lanh inh i missed out on all the fab entries i have soo much catching up to doooooooooo...
you guyz rock x
ps. im so tempted to join the blogspot clique because of some troubles with lj. we'll see..
update sooooon ive bookmarked you on my BB!! xx
fashionista, or shall i say "hand twin" i know what u mean about having miss piggy-ish hands when u grow ur nails!! i wonder if we have the same feet?;) ppl always call mine "equal toes" or jst "squid", but s'all good.. i think they're cute.. thanks 3ala il "itjanin" comment inty b3d ityaneneen.. take care xx
hehehe cuuuteness
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