Sunday, February 3, 2008

jalabiya tea. tea jalabiya.

it couldn't get any worse than this. lol. we literally are just sitting in with ourr jalabiyas. we're actually typing wearing comfy flowery jalabiyas with large shawls surrounded by tea (ofcourse), juice and the extras ;p i always tell /\/ that all the milk in your house is in my tummy *my momma says "lazm y5thon 3laich ajar" loool *heart*heart

you got me trippin srumblin mummblinnn~~

i decided to finish my paper at nooras' but first we sang, went through alllll the pictures in iPhoto then worked on the paper for a bit then came up with the weirdest dance moves then finished the paper ;p at least i did !

yesterday we watched the same indian movie again - i could watch it a million times! laga chunari mein daag *

i'll leave you with this -stun xx

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